Welcome to Park & St Francis Surgery
We are pleased to accept registration requests from patients who are living within the area indicated on the map below.
Register with us using the NHS registration service.
Enter your postcode, using the search option, to see if you live in our catchment area.
Temporary Registration
If you become unwell while staying away from your usual residence, you can receive "emergency treatment" from a local GP practice for upto 14 days.
For periods greater that 14 days, but less than 3 months, you must register as a "temporary patient", which allows you to retain permanent registration at your normal surgery.
For periods exceeding 3 months you will either need to apply to register as a permanent patient, or repeat the temporary patient registration process.
To register as a temporary patient, simply contact the local practice you wish to use. Please note, practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient, although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered.
Download the Temporary Resident Registration Form
Overseas Visitors & Emergency Treatment for Foreign Visitors
People who normally live abroad are eligible for free emergency treatment on the NHS. Broadly this means that if, in the opinion of the GP, your condition requires emergency treatment, you will not be charged for the consultation with the GP. Fees will be payable for the treatment of any pre-existing or non-emergency issues.
Please note that these conditions also apply to British Nationals who normally live abroad.