St Francis Surgery: Pilgrims Close, Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh, SO53 4ST

Park Surgery: Hursley Road, Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh, SO53 2ZH

Email    Tel: 023 8025 2131

Contact Details


Please cancel if you can't attend

If you cannot keep your appointment, please let us know so that we can offer it to another patient.

To cancel your appointment please use the NHS App or call the surgery on 02380 252131, in addition, patients who receive TEXT reminders can respond CANCEL.


Choosing the right service

You may feel that a different service is better suited to address your particular concern - see the choosing the right service page for further information on other local NHS services you can access directly, without having to wait for a GP referral.


Childhood illness

The NHS Healthier Together App has been designed to allow you to access care for your child much more easily. If your child is unwell and needs to be seen by a healthcare professional, instead of having to call your GP surgery, you can use the app to directly inform us about your child’s symptoms. We will then contact you (before the end of the next working day) to decide what needs to be done. If you are seeking help when the surgery is shut, it will direct you to NHS 111. Lots of other parents have already downloaded it and found it extremely useful.


Appointment Booking

Before making an appointment, please consider whether you can manage the symptoms yourself - see our self help tools section or visit NHS 111 for advice and guidance on a range of medical conditions.

You may use "Rapid health AI" for advice, treatment and to arrange an appointment.

We aim to respond to any requests before the end of the following working day, either by telephone or e-mail, to resolve your enquiry.

Please ensure that we have your current telephone number, mobile numbers and e-mail address. You may also find it useful to consent to receive text messages so that we can easily make contact, remind you about future appointments and keep you informed about other practice news, health promotion and research opportunities.

For patients unable to use the on-line options, appointments can still be made by calling 02380 252131.

The appointment lines are  open from 08:15 till 12.00 and 14.00 till 18.00. Please note that the telephone is always busy in the morning - so for non urgent enquiries, contact us in the afternoon if possible.

Single appointments are spaced at 10 minute intervals. Should you wish to have a longer consultation, please ask the receptionist's when making the appointment as this will help avoid delays for other patients.

If you would like a chaperone to be present during any intimate examination, please ask the clinician before the examination commences.


Contraceptive Pill Checks

If you would like to initiate or continue oral contraception (both the progesterone only "mini pill" as well as the combined oestrogen and progesterone contraceptive pill) please see your pharmacist. The pharmacy are also able to arrange the emergency "morning after" pill.


Practice Nurses

Our practice nurses are available for routine appointments throughout the day and these can be booked by telephoning the appointment line.